Where was I.. ah, first time meeting F11. Scott and Rich welcomed me into their dressing room and I've enjoyed seeing them every time since. Probably the group that I've interview the most over the years, it's always fun. At the Energy 101.5 booth at the Stampede, the gang stopped in and Rich came in on the radio show while Scott when shopping. Apparently, when you live life on a bus, it's very exciting to shop for stuff in a big hall.
Rich shared a couple of tips about Scott. When they're not on tour, they're just like you. They don't spend much time with their coworkers (band mates), but being family members they try to have family dinners on Sundays. Sounds like normalcy to me. Oh ya, and Rich fessed up that Scott's guilty pleasure song right now is Rhianna - Umbrella. Finger Eleven... even... even... even... LOL!
Here is the pic of the bunch of you that I took from the Coca Cola Stage at the Finger Eleven concert at Stampede! You Look good Calgary. Next time, lets hope some people show up for the concert! LOL!

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