Holy Thunderstorms batman! This makes the Energy Booth in the Roundup Center uber-busy (only because it's not WET!) Big storms today.
Anyway, we're giving away a $1015 Shopping spree today, taht's fun! And I actually had a chance to walk around the Stampede today... I know what you're thinking, tough gig... working at the Stampede Grounds, must be nice! Ok, it is. But, it's been tough to actually get around and see what's going on down here.
You know how every year, we say "I wish the Stampede would get new rides... it's been the same forever..."... we're all guilty of saying it at least once. This year, they've moved where stuff is...and it was tough to find my favorite rides! Why can't they just leave well enough alone? LOL!!
I did find a fun new (new to me at least!) ride that I'd like to take a turn on on Wednesday when I come down with the Fam-Damily!
Lifehouse is on Coca Cola Stage tonight... I missed soundcheck! NUTS! Oh ya, Samantha Ronson is @ Tequila tonight, and her girlfriend Lindsay Lohan was on the rider for a plane ticket, no word if she'll show yet.
There was an accident on that ride, or near that ride on the second Saturday of the Stampede.
There was also a few fights(broke up by the cops and a cop hit one of the guys to break up the fight). Also many drunk people getting escorted out of the park. We were standing on the bridge that's over the little stream, to watch the fireworks on the Sat. night at about 10:15pm. We saw probably at least 10 people being escorted out within a 1/2 hr. span.
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