Friday Morning, Zack and Meg have 2 pairs of FAME KILLS tickets to give away. Kanya and Gaga Live at the Dome! 2 hairdressers from HEDKANDI will come in and cut your hair like gaga or kanye. Sharp bangs for a girl, shaved with spirals cut into the hair of a guy. The haircuts will begin at 8am.
CUT IT FOR KANYE AND GAGA! 2 pairs of tickets, Friday Morning. 1 Boy gets a pair, 1 Girl Gets a pair.
No coloring will be done.. is that good or bad? LOL!

do we have to be at the station at 8am, or call in, or at the Salon? I want the tickets, so I'm gonna do it.'ll be good for a laugh and to see the Gaga!
Where do I need to be to be entered
i'll do it zack i'll do it!!
I will do it but i do not know where to go can you tell me
i will do it if you tell me where to go
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